Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 184 – Be The Change – An Interview With Sally Andersen3 Sep at You alone have the power to transform your life. But it’s up to you to be the change! Join…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 183 – Being Flexible Enough To Know When To Pivot13 Aug at When the going gets tough, do you change the plan or change the goal? We talk a lot about not…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 182 – How To Get Started In Bodybuilding6 Aug at What does it take to become a competitive bodybuilder? If you’ve ever thought about getting on stage, this episode is…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 181 – Orthorexia: The Healthy Eating Disorder30 Jul at Orthorexia is an obsession with eating healthy or nutritiously… what could be so wrong with that? Well, you’ve heard us…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 180 – Finding The Fun In Fitness Again23 Jul at What happens when your fitness routine stops being fun? It happens to the best of us, but it can really…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 179 – Navigating Compassion Fatigue16 Jul at Have you ever internalized or felt impacted by the emotions and trauma of those who are suffering? This is called…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 178 – The Aggression of Western Yoga with Kristina Jackson9 Jul at Yoga is just another modality of fitness, right? WRONG. So why does western culture often treat it as such? Today…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 177 – WFPB vs IIFYM2 Jul at Is a Whole Foods Plant Based diet really good for you? While some people swear by it, we have…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 176 – Trying To Do Too Much At Once25 Jun at Are you trying to do too much at once? It’s important to go after your goals, but all too often…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 175 – The Dystopian Evolution of Social Media18 Jun at What the heck happened to social media!? Is any of this real anymore? Even when the fake-ness is obvious (and…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 174 – The Period Episode11 Jun at It’s time to talk about that time of the month. Is there any universal advice about menstruation? The only thing…
Muscles By Brussels Radio | Vegan PodcastEp 173 – Not Getting Back On Track Because You Feel Bad You Got Off Track4 Jun at Why is it so much easier to stay on track when you have a specific goal? And how do we…